Scottish National Investment Bank

About the Bank

As one of the most active investors of scale-up and green capital in Scotland today, the Scottish National Investment Bank’s role is to act as a catalyst for private capital, encouraging investment in exciting businesses and projects that might be challenging to achieve without our support. A corner stone investor, crowding in private sector investment alongside its public capital, to support the development of a fairer, more sustainable and innovative Scotland.

The Bank is an impact investor, providing patient, long term investment capital, that support the delivery of the Bank’s missions, which in turn address the grand challenges faced by Scotland. The Bank’s missions provide a clear long-term strategic direction and focus for its investment activity:

  • Net Zero Mission: achieving a just transition to net zero by 2045
  • Place Mission: extending equality of opportunity through improving places by 2040
  • Innovation Mission: harnessing innovation to enable our people to flourish by 2040.

Investing on commercial terms, the Bank aims to be financially self-sustaining within the medium term, by generating sufficient income from its investments and investment related activity to cover its operating costs.

With an ambition to manage third party capital to augment the Scottish Government’s financial commitment; capitalised with £2billion of public capital in our first ten years that can be reinvested over time to create a perpetual investment fund for the Scottish economy.

Having already committed over £300m of mission-impact investment to a wide range of Scottish businesses and projects, it has been a successful initial period for the Bank since launch. Our portfolio includes a range of investments across emerging technologies, tidal and wind energy, port infrastructure and affordable housing.

The Bank has delivered direct investment from £1 million to £50 million and has co-invested alongside a number of private sector investors, crowding in additional capital in support of the Bank’s missions.

Embedding the right culture, through lived values, is critically important for the Bank as we continue to develop:

  • Our missions at the heart of everything we do
  • We are passionate and progressive
  • Working in partnership towards a fairer, sustainable more innovative Scotland.

The Bank occupies a privileged position. Our ecosystem spans the public, private and third sectors and the Bank plays a key role across all three, building thought leadership and impact investment insight capabilities.

The Bank continues to build on these foundations and is well positioned to becoming a central and essential part of the financial ecosystem, unlocking additional growth in the Scottish economy.